ASEDEVA (Art for Social and Economic Development in Africa) is a non-profit organization based in Tanzania. Their vision is to allow the artistic gifts of Tanzanians to serve as a source for human, social and economic development. ASEDEVA works to empower the community to actively solve their own social issues and bring about positive change through the creative industry.

To achieve their goals ASADEVA organizes a variety of arts and cultural projects in Tanzania, including trainings, workshops and performances, with focus on music, dance and theatre. ASEDEVA is well known for hosting an annual Haba na Haba Dance Festival, in concurrence with their outreach programs that support local performing artists and groups, and the community as a whole.

ASEDEVA’s Haba na Haba Dance Festival is a dance festival held annually that offers a training and performance platform for Tanzanian dancers and choreographers, who promote and preserve the art of traditional and contemporary dance in Tanzania. They also work with other East African and International artists and groups to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences within the dance industry.

The Haba na Haba Dance Festival provides participants and artists access to a wider network of opportunities for entrepreneurship and professional learning, which leads them to empowerment and employment. Through their dance festival and other projects ASEDEVA works to make the entertainment sector more dynamic, and maintain traditional dance for future generations while exploring how it relates to the modern.